Preparing your property for sale
Party walls
Converting a barn
Valuing your property
Extending your lease (enfranchisement)
High hedges
Subsidence worries
Protecting thatched roofs
Neighbourly disputes over high hedges are estimated to cost up to £10m per annum in legal fees, loss of time and depreciation in property values.
When disputes arise, and all other avenues of resolution have been exhausted, an application can be made to the local authority under Part 8 of the Anti Social Behaviour Act 2003. A successful application may result in a formal notice to cut back hedges, with a fine for non-compliance, but it is not possible for local authorities to serve ASBOS (Anti Social Behaviour Orders) in respect of high hedges.
There is an appeals procedure for those unable to accept the council’s judgement, and recourse to the courts remains an available, though unfortunate, long stop.